How to Submit Educational Resources to Compendium

Submission Steps

  1. Collect the educational materials you wish to contribute. These can be slides, syllabi, worksheets for Problem-Based Learning or other useful files. Make sure that you have the right to use and distribute the images used in your materials. Make sure you have the permission of rights co-holders to upload and distribute these materials through Compendium.
  2. Share the files with in one of two ways:
    1. Upload the files to ZOERR. The Compendium team can fill in the rubrics that you do not want to spend the time on, so do not worry about filling in everything. Make sure to add the Compendium project coordinator, Simon Büchner, and the Compendium website administrator to the “Beteiligte” (“participants”) of each file, so that they can edit and further process the file. Alternatively, you can reach out to the Compendium website administrator and request that they invite you to a ZOERR folder where you can directly upload your files, in which case the work on your part as author will be minimal.
    2. Alternatively, if you do not have access to ZOERR or do not wish to do the extra work of uploading to ZOERR, then you can share the educational materials with the Compendium team in another way, such as giving access to a Google Drive folder or sending the files over e-mail. In this case, share the files with the project coordinator and with the website administrator.
  3. Go to and fill in the submission form for open educational resources. This includes the title, author name, open-access status and category of the material. There are a range of optional fields you can fill in if desired, but the submission process is designed to be easy and quick for the author, so don’t feel pressured to fill in everything. You have to fill in this short form for each OER file you publish, but the fields employ auto-fill for repeating information (e.g. information about the author). The form will ask you for a link to the resource: this can be a shareable ZOERR link or, in case you shared the resource with us through another method, then simply write “shared over e-mail” in the URL field.
  4. Once you have submitted the files through your chosen method, and the meta-information of your resources through the form on the website, your work is done. The website administrator will review all the submitted information, which takes a few days. This will include filling in missing data, as well as checking the files. If everything is in order, then the materials will be approved and they will appear on the Compendium website.


  • If you upload many materials belonging to a single course, you can include the shortened course name and year as a tag. For example, if you are uploading slides from 2023 lectures on “Artificial Intelligence Policy”, then you could use the tag ‘AI-policy-2023’. The course could then become listed on the “All Courses” page of the website, collecting all the course’s materials on a page of its own.
  • Wherever you host your materials for sharing (ZOERR, Google Drive, Dropbox etc.), you can insert a public shareable link in the form, in the ‘link’ field in order to give us access to them. In this way, you don’t need to contact us. You just grab the link, submit it in the form and you’re done.